WoW! What a weekend!
We launched the Beavercreek Joseph Project Food Pantry this weekend and the foundations are being laid for our new worship center. I had the opportunity to speak on the weekend. The Mayor and a County Commissioner were on hand for the dedication and the ribbon cutting. People were positive by the up-market look of the pantry and why we are doing what we are doing. One man was so moved he is going to give one of his cows for 600 lbs of gound beef. Must purchase Freezer.
On the weekend we looked at one Jesus principle. Begin with what you have, from where your are.
Our two leaders began almost 20 years ago beginning with what they had from where they were.
In Dayton, only thing they had were their jobs. So they pulled their resources. They each tithed 10% of their pay check. Then they purchased 7 bags of groceries and went to a low income apartment and gave away the bags and offered prayer.
Years later we are serving over 300 breakfasts a week to the less served of our city. The church has grown to 2500 and we are touching thousands of lives each year through acts of kindness and prayer.
I wonder what it would look like if every believer, began to serve others from where they are with what they have? I think their world would change.
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13 (NIV)
3 illustrations from the life of Jesus. Begin with what you have from where you are.
1. Beginning of Jesus’ ministry.
He began with what He had from where He was.
A wedding... Mom said, 'Now is your time', Jesus now is not my time...He heard His Father’s voice...(my paraphrase in reading into the text. Jesus only did what he heard and saw his Father doing) His Father said, 'Now is your time.
He began with what He had, water. He then changed water to wine. Beginning from where He was with what He had, God space was created where God things happened... Wine was created from water. From this beginning, He began to reveal who He was, and revealed His Fathers Glory. There the Disciples believe in Him..
2. Middle of Jesus Ministry.
Matt 10 John the Baptist was beheaded...
Jesus was connected to John in a special way. John was in the womb of Elizabeth when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, greeted Elizabeth, John lept with Joy in Elizabeth's womb. They were cousins, divinely linked to the spark of the Holy Spirit. They were friends, brothers. Jesus loved John. Now John was beheaded. Jesus was grieved, gutted (a good Scottish word) and went to a lonely place. Ever experienced grief over the loss of a love one? Most people want to go to a lonely place to recover, to pray, to receive comfort from the Great Comforter...
Suddenly 5000 people showed up. Jesus beginning from where He was... taught the people, cared for them in the midst of this great tradgety.
All day they he taught them...the disciples said, 'Tell them to go home, they’ve been here all day and they are hungry.' Jesus... 'You give them something to eat.' Their response...'All that is here is a sacked lunch of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.' Jesus, 'Tell them to sit down'... Jesus broke bread and fish and gave to the disciples they in turn fed the people. He again used what He had from where He was.
3. At the Cross the end of His life.
Hanging on the cross, He was stripped bare, facing death, enduring shame, and the sin of the world was upon Him. From were he was, he used what he had... his breath, and his voice. He uttered, 'Father forgive them for they know not want they do.'.. From where He was He used what He act of forgiveness that has echoed throughout the centruries into eternity.
Others beginning from where they were, offered this forgiveness to other and have changed the world. Mother Thersa, DL Moody, Chales Finney, Billy Graham and countless thousands are using what they have, from where they are...making a difference offering forgiveness found in Jesus name.
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