the lost, the least, the last

on the bus today... packing bags of groceries on for Making Christmas Dreams Come True Dec 16...our brave staff worked for an hour packing bags and getting them on the bus...300 full bags of groceries for the parents who attend the party. Madly working reg. guest, counting vols, ready the gift wrap room, purchasing the gifts for the moms and dads, bag to put the gifts in, making sure tickets arrive, drafting letters, etc...all in the run up to the 1400 people arriving on Dec 16...someone once asked how do you enlarge your heart for the lost, the least and the participating in active can't really learn to care unless you are there...being among the lost, the least, and the last impacts the heart...if it doesn't it means my heart is becoming hard ... then the answer is prayer... God's love imparted into a human heart reveals my need to love...

epic evangelism revisited

I've been using Len Sweets EPIC lenses every time i think of developing a new outreach idea...It has worked well and has kept me on track as i seek to encourage people to become outward focused...

EPIC defined:

Experiential (derived from experience),
Image (oriented), and

I ask the questions:

Will the outreach idea promote a positive experience? Will the person doing the outreach have a positive experience? What will that experience feel like? Will the person on the receiving end of the outreach have a positive experience?

Will the outreach idea encourage participation? Will it have a doing aspect? example: one standard outreach that the people of the Vineyard enjoy is Making Christmas Dreams Come True... it's a party for 1400 of the less served of Dayton.

Hundreds of people sign up to participate on many levels for the pre-event and day of event opportunities to serve. Everyone can participate on some level and the serving produces a positive experience.

The people being served also participate by calling in to reserve their seat, driving to the event, being warmly welcomed and ushered to their seats, and eating a 4 course meal that is served by smiling caring people.

After the meal the kids can have their faces painted, make a craft, go pick out a present for their parents, pick up their pre wrapped age and gender appropriate gifts and receive a balanced bag of groceries to take home...

What will the outreach look like? Will there be some excitement, or chaos? Will what we give or promote have a positive look? Will the first impression impress? Will it look upbeat, generous and have a sense of fun or intrigue.

This is the thought process that led us to develop our dog treat outreach. The card is placed in a 4"X4" zip lock bag with 3 IAMS dog biscuits. Check out the slightly enhanced's there on purpose...

Will the outreach connect to a felt need or a real need? Does it make sense? Can the person doing the outreach connect with the outreach in a positive manner? What is the level of emotional energy spent on the outreach?

One outreach we tried a few years ago was giving toilet paper to people door to door. It was fun, met a common need, but over all it was not received in a positive manner..It just didn't connect. It was goofy. The people doing the outreach couldn't connect nor could the people on the receiving end connect.

On the other hand the dog biscuit outreach created a positive experience, had a participatory element for the outreach person, the dog owner, and the dog, it had a great image, and it connected the thought in a fun up beat way.

EPIC is a good matrix that has helped us develop an outward focus. This past week over 10,000 people were touched by an EPIC outreach.

Biltmore Hotel

Biltmore Hotel outreach went real well...many serving the folks at the Hotel a full dinner with a band from Dayton Christian Schools...busy time of loving on people in a practical way...My job was to receive the food from the Vineyard people who signed up to bring turkeys and all the trimming...I was constantly amazed by the generosity expressed...a single dad brought a dish of sweet pregnant ready to give birth mom parked her car and brought her dish...willing heartfelt serving action produces great feelings and positive vibe that meets need...

Life is a song - sing it.
Life is a game - play it.
Life is a challenge - meet it.
Life is a dream - realize it.
Life is a sacrifice - offer it.
Life is love - enjoy it."

donuts is there anything they can't do?

5400 krispy kreme donuts in two hours that's a lot of donuts...some early birds gathered to serve donuts and coffee at 6am at Fairfield Commons Mall...It is always an interesting time...always a hurdle to overcome...the donut man was an hour...I was pretty frustrated...but when the donuts arrived grateful shoppers more than made up for the disappointment...comments oh you guys are the Vineyard right? to we can't believe you are giving up your morning to serve us...interesting our team was mainly made up of guys...a few ladies, and our faithful teenagers...we cleaned up and were out of there by 8am...

the mall people were very pleased that we came and we have some doors open next year...

Donuts Don't you just love em! homer simpson

Sat we are serving dinner for the less served at the Biltmore Hotel on Main St, at the Vineyard 8:30am for set up or 10 am for Get on the Bus or bring your food to the Hotel at 11am...

Turkey's giving away Turkey's

what a night...

i'm always nervous when we plan our giant turkey dinner outreach...we had approx 50 people to sign up to bring turkeys but we had over 225 people wanting dinners so I had to go to gordon foods and purchase 150 great guy asked? how many more turkeys do you think you'll need...i said about 20...he went to kroger and returned with the twenty the end i had 9 turkeys left...I took them to the local fire department...the guys were blown away by the kindness...I think we shook hands 10 times...

If you have a story please send and I'll make sure they are posted...

working hard, then there's working hard...

250 turkey dinner boxes made in 19 last years record of 40 minutes...we also moved over 500 bags of groceries we will be giving away after Making Christmas Dreams Come True on December 16th...It was a mad rush for the volunteers...everyone did an excellent job of making boxes, putting in 2 cans of corn, 2 cans of green beans, 2 packs of three cheese potatoes, 1 large can of yams, 1 can of cranberry's, 1 box of stuffing, one box of brownie mix and 1 pack of brown and serve rolls, we also went through the bags and placed a pack of cereal or cookies, and lastly tied a nice balloon to each box...the receipt was 30 feet long...

Tomorrw we will be receiving 250 turkeys to complete the box and take out to various places in the Dayton area...whew!

Friday is Donuts and Coffee at Fairfield Commons Mall in Beavercreek, gallons of coffee and 450 doz Krispy Kreme Donuts.

Saturday is a lunch for 250 people at the Biltmore Hotel...

Then it's off to the Dayton Mall to wrap present for 15 days

Topping it off a huge party at Sinclair Community College for 1400 people...

I am grateful for all who serve in some way...for many it's serving above and beyond the call of's great to see people stepping up, serving, and making a difference.

Vineyard Outward at a glance

Cleaning Single Parent Homes Saturday 8:30am The Vineyard
Volunteer Banquet Friday Legacy Center Xenia 7pm
Single Parent Thanksgiving Meal Sunday at the Vineyard 5:30pm
Thanksgiving Basket packing Tuesday at the Vineyard 6:30pm
Turkeys giving away Turkeys Wednesday at the Vineyard 6:00pm
Bring a thawed turkey

The Great Donut Give Away Friday Fairfield Mall 6am

Special Get on the Bus! at the Vineyard 10am going to
Thanksgiving Meal at the Biltmore Saturday
Volunteers Dropping off food 11am at the Biltmore

Now taking Sign Ups for:

Wrap It Up! Dayton Mall 8th - 23rd December

Making Christmas Dreams Come True 2006

Encouraging Weekends

this coming week Dayton Vineyards Outward Focus Events:

Volunteer Banquet
Single Parent Thanksgiving Meal Sunday
Thanksgiving Basket packing Tuesday
Turkeys giving away Turkeys Wednesday
The Great Donut Give Away Friday
Thanksgiving Meal at the Biltmore Saturday

last two weekends i travelled to a couple of great churches...both are at different stages...both are growing...the first was an evangelical church in Jacksonville FL...the vibe was warm and inviting...the look was like the mall people from all ages...they have three services and only have 15 min between each service...the band was up beat...atmosphere positive...they responded positively to the outward focused ideas...their response was encouraging...they had a plan to start Irresistible Evangelism...a great class that equips people to share their faith in a natural manner...the class was full this weekend...encouraging

The second church, last Sunday, was a Vineyard in the Cincinnati is a church plant and has grown steadily over the years...they began their services in a YMCA, quickly outgrew the facility and located 5 acres and built a new building on the is an amazing building which is bright, welcoming and upbeat...the vibe is warm, welcoming, encouraging...the worship encouraged participation and their style laid back and naturally spiritual...they liked the message and are continuing to be outward focused.

I'm glad I went...I used to travel a lot to bring encouragement and provoke outward focusedness great to sense the call and ability is still there...

this coming week:

Volunteer Banquet Friday
Single Parent Thanksgiving Meal Sunday
Thanksgiving Basket packing Tuesday
Turkeys giving away Turkeys Wednesday
The Great Donut Give Away Friday
Thanksgiving Meal at the Biltmore Saturday

Changing the World One Burrito At A Time

3's Seeker, Surrendered, Servant

Surrendered Servant

Jesus was the most outward focused person who ever existed

He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the enemy Acts

His mission statement, The Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many...Jesus

The first miracle Water into wine at a 7 day wedding party

People were hungry he fed them

The last act just before he went to the cross...He washed the disciples feet

The last act after being risen from the dead and speaking to the disciples about the Kingdom of God...He cooked the disciples a fish breakfast on the beach.

He is the Servant King

He is the Message

His vision was the Mission

His mission was His Vision

He served his way into the hearts of the people

He was a friendly open hearted person...this is why he was accused by the religious right of the day as a "Friend of sinners".

He did not come to present seminars but to encourage surrendered service.

His disciple didn't get the job description...Up to the cross they were still arguing about who was the greatest...Phillip questioned, 'Show us the father' Jesus response 'Oy Vey...Believe not because of what I've said but because you saw what I did / do.'

he cared, he was kind, he beckons us to walk as he walked, in humble service...

Changing the World One Burrito At A Time

Quick story that may bring a smile to your face: as is my Sunday custom, I left the church building and drove to Chipotle to grab my weekly tortilla-wrapped chicken sublime. As I observed the two women ordering their food in front of me (I think it was a mother and daughter), it occurred to me that it would be Kingdom-fun to pay for their meal. As I got eye contact with the cashier (Brad, whom I know just from many-a-short-conversation-between-the-tortilla--squisher-and-the-sour-cream), I flashed my cash, pointed at the two ladies in front of me, and gave him the international "shush" sign. It is indeed fun watching the first reaction to "someone already paid for your food." Incredulity. It really is so rare for someone to do something unexpectedly kind that it actually shocks folks.

But here's the punch line: after the women left and it was my turn to pay for my food and theirs, Brad laughs a little, shakes his head, and says, "well, Tyler, your total is only $12.00 because someone already paid for YOUR food."

Changing the world - one burrito at a time,

for the King,

ty is the worship leader at Northwest Vineyard Community Church Cincinnati

3 S's


I give up

I give you my life

I quit attempting to save myself

I relax

I enter into His rest

I am confident that He who began a good work in me will complete the work He started

Trust and obey there's no other way to be happy in Jesus than trust and obey...Old Hymn

God's goal when we are captured by His love and will is to fashion us into the image of His Son...this takes a life time of saying yes to His will...

Jesus only did what He saw the Father of John

He lived the surrendered life...Not my will, but your will be done.. was His constant ambition...

Philippians 2
Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. 6 Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. 7 He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. 8 And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal's death on a cross. Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

My wife is a living example of someone who surrendered...for most people surrender comes progressively, day by day, moment by moment, year by year..

I returned to the USA after living in Scotland for a few years...I didn't want to put any pressure on her so after a year of writing letters and one month back I asked her to marry me...she being the trooper said yes...then began to realize what the yes meant...

she is a triplet the first to get married...i tease and say i got the pick of the litter...she had to leave her family, church, friends, work and country to follow someone she barely was a big time moment of surrender...she has traveled with me where ever we are led to go...she lived in Scotland for 16 years...gave up her rights to her relationship with her close family was the most costly...she now lives the surrendered life...

most of us have to chose to give up our lives at some level if we are truly going to follow Jesus...where He leads we must follow...the amazing element... He gives us choice... after seeking or being sought by God we are then moved toward surrender to His will...

Rom 12:1-2 NLT
And so, dear brothers and sisters,I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.

After Surrender there is a process of moving toward life long discipleship...becoming a Surrendered Servant

Three S's

Thinking about the three S's that help a believer move forward toward maturity...


God has placed eternity in the heart of man
There is a Divine draw
Billy G often mentions there is a hole in the human heart that only God's presence can fill...that's why many people crowd their lives with activities, things, addictions to dull the senses, because their hearts are empty...they are not aware that God's presence can fill the void.

Below is a great context Paul is addressing the people of Athens concerning an idol to an unknown god...Paul goes on to describe the God who is knowable...

So Paul, standing before the Council, addressed them as follows: "Men of Athens, I notice that you are very religious, 23 for as I was walking along I saw your many altars. And one of them had this inscription on it 'To an Unknown God.' You have been worshiping him without knowing who he is, and now I wish to tell you about him.

24 "He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn't live in man-made temples, 25 and human hands can't serve his needs for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need there is.

26 From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand which should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries. 27 "His purpose in all of this was that the nations should seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him though he is not far from any one of us. 28 For in him we live and move and exist.

In context God has set times, places, and boundaries around mankind so that all people might seek after Him...

Mike Bickle in Loving God said, 'it takes God to know God'. There is a Divine draw upon the human heart...

David understood the principle

Psalms 27:7-8
Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice, And be gracious to me and answer me. When You said, "Seek My face,"my heart said to You, "Your face, O LORD, I shall seek."

The principle Seek and you will find...the seeking is a contuious present tense...our hearts poised toward God, open, seeking, and wanting to know Him...when our hearts are leaning toward God, wanting to know Him more...He in turn makes Himself known to us...

Draw near to God and He will Draw near to you
...The Book of James

Once our seeking connects...We then have a choice to become the


bring em down the scale

Chapter 4
Bring ‘Em Down The Scale

Many years ago during a large outreach in Edinburgh, Paul Filler who was working with Youth With A Mission, shared a simple diagram which helped illustrate the process of sowing and reaping in evangelism. It is easy to understand and if applied, it can help you as you attempt to bring people to Jesus Christ. I’ll pass it on.

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

The graph shows how the principle of sowing and reaping operates in evangelism. The minus (-) side is where people are in their transition toward saving faith in Jesus Christ. Plus one (+1) would be discovery of salvation or new birth. People we contact day by day are somewhere along this plane. Our job, in union with the Holy Spirit, is to nudge people down the scale toward saving faith in Jesus Christ.
If, for instance, we meet an atheist who claims not to believe in God, we might be foolish to try to immediately ask him if he would want to begin to follow Jesus. He probably wouldn’t even know who Jesus is. It would be much wiser to be sensitive to his spiritual address and to his heart’s position on this scale, then to draw him down the scale as far as we are enabled. If for instance we had a great conversation and he admitted he thought there could be a God beyond his limited understanding, we should rejoice! He is no longer at a –100 but he possibly moved to a –95. If he left with a positive experience and sensed our service, respect, love and care, the next Christian he comes into contact with may be enabled to encourage him toward a –50… and so it goes until he meets someone who leads him to Christ. One man termed this chain of events as—God’s grace chain. A good term.
Soon after I heard about the scale, I met a young doctor named Paul from Canada. He was sitting on the steps of an art museum at the Mound in Edinburgh. As we began to dialogue I was able to speak to him about developing faith in Jesus. During the conversation I discovered he was a Catholic but had never heard the Gospel. He was searching. After our conversation he invited me to dinner and over the meal we continued our talk. He was very interested. A few days later I returned to his house with a book by Larry Tomzack entitled Clap Your Hands. The book describes Larry’s story of how, he being a good Catholic, came to know Jesus in a personal way. The book helped Paul greatly and watered the seed already planted in his heart. Over the next few days Paul and I continued to meet. The time came when I needed to return home, so I made sure Paul was connected to a great church in the city. Several weeks passed. I then received a letter from Paul telling me how he began to go the church and had finally made a decision to allow the Lord Jesus into his life. One of the members of the church had continued to talk with Paul and ushered him into saving faith.
This story illustrates how the graph works. I could have easily been discouraged in my effort to reach Paul if I had not understood the principle. However understanding, I was able to water the seeds already planted in his heart by the Catholic Church. He was probably at a –50 on the scale; He had a concept of God, an awareness of his need and was searching. Perhaps as a result of our time together and reading Larry’s book he may have been moved to a –10 on the scale. By the movement of the Holy Spirit upon his life, going to church hearing the messages and experiencing the love of the members of the church, he may have been moved to a –5 on the scale. At just the right time a specific person was able to encourage him to give his life to Christ and God brought the increase as Paul discovered faith in Jesus Christ and was born again, now a +1 in the Kingdom of God. He is currently married to a great Christian girl has several children and is living in Canada. Paul is an example of how most people come progressively to saving faith in Jesus Christ. This is the norm. As you can see, the pressure is off. Our job is to sow and water seeds in faith. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to bring the increase. I can relax as I seek to become God’s co-worker.
At this point it is also important to remember apostle Paul’s exhortation, ‘Each one should be careful how he builds.’ (1 Corinthians 3:10NIV) We not only need to communicate the good news with our words but with our lives as well. It is possible to send people quickly back up the negative side of the scale. If we are ungracious, uncaring, unloving and insensitive as we communicate we may do more harm, than good. We need to understand evangelism is about bringing people with real needs to a God who loves them and is interested in their lives. The Holy Spirit woos, and the kindness of God does lead to repentance. We do need wisdom. People are very different and no two people are the same. The Four Spiritual Laws may work for some, but might not work for others. Evangelism is more than developing a certain method. Developing sensitivity toward God, learning to have a caring heart, a listening ear and using wisdom when you communicate makes a good witness. Proverbs says, ‘…He who wins souls is wise.’
While living in Pensacola helping a church develop Servant Evangelism and an outward focus, I heard a story about a couple of zealous bible college students who had noticed a car that had a flat tire. They walked up to the car and said something like, ‘See you had a flat tire. Did you ever think what would have happened if you had been killed when the tire went flat? Where would you go, heaven or hell?’ The startled couple, searched for an answer and an aggressive conversation continued. After the talk the young men walked away. Probably thinking they had notched up another great experience. The sad thing…they didn’t even offer to help change the tire! Bring em down the scale? What do you think? The answer for those of you who need some real help… sound the buzzer eeeent…nope. The young couple in the car were unbelieving friends of a friend of mine. They were not impressed, an understatement, by the antagonistic communication.
Let’s rewind and change the scenario. The students walk up to the car and say something like, ‘Hey, we noticed you had a flat tire. We’d like to help you and change it for you.’ Do you think they would have then been able to have a conversation with the couple that most probably would have communicated a positive message? I do. Besides, most people remember our actions long after our words have ceased to echo in their minds.
A Canadian team of teenagers came to Scotland to help reach out to a small town just outside of Glasgow. We encouraged the teens toward the outreach by explaining the principle of sowing and reaping and then began to go and do what they had just learned. We had a great time. As an outcome of our drama, dance, speaking and singing we were able to connect with hundreds of people. It was a fun but challenging time. The teens were from the ages of fourteen to seventeen and fiery. I was personally challenged when a girl of fourteen stood before a crowd of hundreds without fear and spoke with conviction and clarity. We all sensed we were on an exciting seed sowing expedition. During the time thousands of people did not come to know Jesus in a personal way but we all came away very encouraged. There was little doubt that we had done our job and had done it well. We had sown and watered thousands of seeds. The good news… most of the seeds planted went into the lives of people who had never ever heard the gospel before.
One day during the outreach I stopped a young man and asked him if he’d like to answer some questions. He said, yep. So we began to talk. It was extremely interesting. His grandmother had just finished sharing the gospel with him a few days earlier, and here was yet another person talking to him about Jesus. During the conversation I sensed the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit and asked him if he thought there was someone else with us as we were talking. He acknowledged this fact and stated that sensing God’s presence was the reason he was continuing to talk to me. After several minutes I asked him if there was anything I could pray with him about. He said he had a toothache and allowed me to pray. I asked if I could put my hand on his shoulder. He said, ‘OK’. As I began to pray he looked me in the eyes. I think he wanted to make sure I wouldn’t do anything weird. The Holy Spirit touched him. He suddenly became aware of God’s increased presence. It was a great contact. I didn’t get to lead him to Jesus that day he wanted to think things over but as he walked away I could nevertheless marvel at the wisdom and love of God toward His creation. This is the principle of sowing and reaping in action. Some sow, some water and some reap. We can all rejoice together as the Holy Spirit does His work.
The call is clear. We need many workers who are willing to sow and water the seed before there can be a harvest. If we are looking for a harvest, someone, somewhere, must go and do the hard work. Who will do it? Any answers?

just returned from Jacksonville FL...a great weekend with a great church. They are a triditional church that is impacting the world...they have a great missions program that literally reaching around the world. Now they are interested in stepping up to invest into the Orange community...Good response to the training and encouragement...Sat we went out with the teens doing the give em the bag outreach 30 teens and adult leaders showed up...we packed 300 bags in 40 min...a record...we took 100 bags out into the commuity and empowered the teens to do the outreach...

one dryclean an Albanian man was stunned that the teens offed him a bag for free...he was so moved he said, here's my card, you tell your people to come here I offer a discount...sometimes a kind deed sparks a kind response...two girls, Jenny and Gabby who are best friends went to another store...they offered the gift to the local shop owner...he was also stunned and asked what was the gift for...they replied we want to thank you for being in our community and we want to show you God's love in a practical way, he was so moved that he had tears in his eyes and said i've live in America for 25 years and no one has ever given me a gift...

after the three services the people from the church understood the concept of sowing and reaping and picked up all the bags to connect to their community...some great stories are filtering back...

it was a good weekend, great encouragement and satisfaction that the Kingdom is thoughts for a great church see

I'm always encourage when a churh is willing to begin to become an outward focused church

chapeter 3 Explaining Evangelism

here is chapter 3...I think the most encouraging of the chapters of the book

E Seeds

When I share my faith with others I often discover a close friend, relative or an acquaintance has recently spoken to the person about Jesus. It is really amazing to sense the Holy Spirit at work attempting to draw the person toward Himself.
A few years ago, after going to the Gap, a Christian outreach center run by Inverness Youth For Christ, I met two young people who were obviously into heavy metal or grunge music. They were wearing the usual black leather jackets, open checked shirts with T-shirts underneath that had pictures of demons screaming off the front, tight jeans and long hair. They were hanging out drinking beer and they were in the mood for talking. During our conversation we drifted from Jesus, the latest fads, music, the occult, police brutality and back to Jesus. During our time together they told me that one of their friends had just become a Christian and ‘Boy he had changed!’ They went on to tell me various aspects of his life and how they knew he had something they did not have. Evidently he was clear in his challenge for they were pondering the issue of death before getting right with God. They had it figured out much like I had it all figured out before I met Jesus. They had decided to wait ten years or so to enjoy life, after all they were just teenagers, then they’d possibly think again. I left and encouraged them not to wait too long. I also went away encouraged because recognized the hand of God in the situation. Their friend had planted big seeds into their hearts and I came along and was enabled to water the seed. I was certain that God would do what He does best and bring the increase. He uses the conversations, the encouragements, to nudge people toward His Son. Someday some new believer may walk up to one of these young men and share something that touches their heart and they begin to follow Jesus. The new believer might think, ‘Boy I’m some evangelist!’ Little does he know that behind the scenes many people had been faithfully expressing God’s word and the Holy Spirit had been at work convicting of sin and drawing the person to Jesus. The reality, seeds were sown, the seeds grew in their hearts as they were watered and God brought the increase.
This is exactly what happened in my life. I was involved heavily in drinking, drugs and all that went with it. I was in the Navy and stationed in Pensacola, Florida. I was fed up with my lifestyle, yet I cold not find an escape. I was bound. Then Tim arrived—a Jesus person who as the only believer in our unit. He wore Jesus patches and spoke about Jesus whenever he had the opportunity. I talked to him often. He continually challenged me to give my life to Jesus, but I did enjoy some the aspects of my lifestyle and I was not willing to pay the cost of giving up my life to become a real believer. Besides, I’d just wait until the antichrist came on the scene, not take the mark of the Beast on my hand or my forehead, get my head chopped off and enter into heaven. Tim used to say, ‘Why take hamburger when you can have steak?’ In my clouded thinking hamburger sounded better than steak. Getting your head chopped off only took and instant but living a life as a Christian would take a lifetime! I know, my thinking was pretty messed up. Eventually, I stopped talking to Tim.
During the next three months I became very depressed. I was filled with guilt. I could not sleep. I had nightmares concerning the end times and my drug problem was growing. I had to get way. I left Pensacola and went to my hometown in Kentucky to attempt to find some way of escape. I went to a party and took some drugs. It was a bad batch and I overdosed. My nervous system went into overload. I was in bad shape.
The next day I attempted to drive back to Pensacola to return to my work in the Navy. As I as driving through Alabama, suddenly I saw my life pass before my eyes. I realized I was a mess, unloved, full of guilt and yet again overdosed. I somehow began to think about Tim and what we talked about months ago. I knew that if I died that night I would spend a lost eternity in hell. I saw the cost form a different angle. The Holy Spirit began to whisper to my heart. ‘Steve this is your last chance.’ I broke, and began to weep. I pulled the car to the side of the road and prayed, ‘God help me!’ with all my heart. At that instant the presence of the Holy Spirit filled my car and I somehow knew that everything was going to be all right.
Two days later I met a Navy pilot who explained how Jesus could save me and set my life on a new course. He then read:
For God so loved he world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NIV)
For the second time in just a few days I began to weep. The answer was at last clear. Later that night I surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus and was saved. Looking back, I can now see the times when the seed was sown and watered in my life, at vacation Bible school as a child, at Catholic boarding school as a teen and Tim. Yet, God the Holy Spirit was faithful to bring the increase. I’m glad He did.
Every person who experiences a saving faith comes to Jesus through the sowing and reaping process. People have to hear the Word before saving faith can become a reality in their lives. Some people connect as soon as the Word is sown yet, most people enter salvation after a long process. The truth…someone has to sow the seed…someone has to water the seed before God brings the increase.
Paul puts it this way,
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they ae sent? Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:14 -15,17NIV)
In most of Europe many people have never heard how to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This might shock some, yet it is true. Time and time again when I’ve shared the gospel, I ask the question, ‘Have you ever heard this before?’ The answer more times than not is, ‘No’. During a teen’s weekend away I shared the good news with a sixteen year old girl. I asked her the above question and she said that she had never heard that Jesus died for her and could give her a brand new life. At sixteen and had never heard? I question, ‘Why?’ Has the Church missed the mark? Are believers reluctant to share their faith? Are there missed opportunities? Maybe there aren’t enough people sowing the seed? I think so.
After five years of using questionnaires in the streets of Scotland and asking, ‘Do you know what it means to be born again?’ over ninety-five percent answer ‘reincarnation’ and ‘no’ the other five percent. Rarely did we have an affirmative answer. In Europe there is an enormous need for people to sow the seed into the lives of the people in their communities. If no seed is sown how can there be a harvest? Paul followed this principle of sowing and reaping in Corinth. In writing to the Corinthians he made the following observations concerning Apollos and Himself.
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul Only Servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God makes it grow. (I Corinthians 3:5 – 6 NIV)
The first observation was Paul’s confident understanding of his position and role in bringing the Corinthians to faith. He, like Apollos, saw himself as a servant of the gospel through whom they came to believe. Their role while in Cornith was to clearly present the gospel so the people of the city could have the opportunity to become believers.
Secondly, they shared their faith as the Lord opened the doors. Their tasks were different. Paul served as the planter of the seeds through preaching, testifying, signs and wonders and serving as lifestyle. Apollos also served by watering the seed. The end result was an increase or harvest. Who was the reaper? God, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul went on to say,
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labour. (I Corinthians 3: 7 - 8 NIV)
Paul gave the glory to God for the increase. He rightly understood that spiritual increase could only come by the drawing, renewing and the new birth given by the Holy Spirit. (see Titus 3) It is God who makes things grow. This should bring encouragement to anyone who as ever shared their faith with another person. He makes things grow. It is His job, not mine not yours. Our job is to sow the seeds in faith, water them by prayer and life example and leave the results to God. This takes the pressure off and allows us to sow with abandon.
Paul later states, ‘We are God’s fellow workers.’ (I Corinthians 3:9 NIV)
Fellow-workers, it is important to believe He is actively working with us and that when we stop working He remains on the job. The Holy Spirit is always at work attempting to draw people to Jesus. When the seed is sown into the human heart it isn’t dormant it has power within it self to begin to grow and increase. The Holy Spirit is at work. He is on the job showing the person where they are failing in righteousness, they are being made aware of the certain judgement to come and they are being encouraged to yield to Jesus Christ. At the same time the individual is probably connecting with Christians at just the right moment. God is co-working with us. It is important that we believe God is active in the lives we touch and seek to reach.
A lady felt challenged to reach out to the people of her community. After hearing the principle concerning sowing and reaping in evangelism, She prayed, ‘God what do you want me to do?’ She immediately sensed she was to contact a lady who lived nearby. She went and knocked on the door. No one was home. She was fearful and felt totally inadequate and if anyone had offered her two pennies she would not have returned. However, she felt prompted to return. Later that week she once again knocked on the door. After a brief introduction she told the woman why she was there, and shared that God had laid her specifically upon her heart, and that she had come to share the good news concerning Jesus Christ. The woman began to cry and asked her to tell her again why she had decided to come to her home. She repeated her introduction and the woman began to cry even more. It turned out that the lady had recently been fighting serious depression and had just returned from the doctor. In her depressed state she had prayed a prayer of desperation. ‘God if you are there please show me that you are interested in my life and that you care!’ Can you imagine what was going on in the woman’s heart? Can you imagine the impact upon this life? God was co-working with this fearful timid believer. The lady in question did not give her heart to Jesus that night, but I do believe the Holy Spirit used this experience to draw her closer to Himself. Do you think that when this encounter ended that the Holy Spirit stopped His work and was the end of God’s concern and care? No way! `Jose! The Holy Spirit was the scene drawing the woman to Jesus and offering hope.
Bottom line: God is at work. We are co-working with Him and He is the one who brings the increase. All He needs is your willing participation. Your sowing is important!
As Paul says, ‘We have one purpose with God.’ What is that one purpose? It’s nudging people toward faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Moving people toward Jesus Christ is God’s central purpose and it certainly should be ours.
After an outdoor gathering in the town center, a man who was contacted was drawn aside for further ministry. He was dealing with some major issues and was looking for some answers. A friend and I were able to encourage the guy and sensed that something good had taken place in his life. A few months later a pastor from another church in the town mentioned that this man had attended one of their services and had given his life to Jesus Christ. He has hoped that I wasn’t upset because the man was now attending his church. I wasn’t upset. I rejoiced! I praised God that I had a small part to play in the process of the Holy Spirit drawing this man into a relationship with Jesus. I understand the principle of sowing and reaping. Therefore I could rejoice and proclaim ‘It works!’
Jesus shared the principle in the gospel of John and brings more clarity.
Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest?’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wares, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying, ‘One sows and another reaps,’ is true. I have sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefit of their labour. (Jn 4:35-38 NIV)
I believe Jesus was not only pointing the white fields ready for harvesting but He was also pointing to the men coming toward him from the town. The men of the city were ripe for harvest, which later proved to be true. The disciples, I’m sure, rejoiced when the men believed. They were partners in the harvest. Jesus had done the hard work by talking to the woman and had done the initial sowing. I’m sure they rejoiced together and celebrated the larger spiritual harvest when the men of the city believed.
Again, our job is to sow seeds in faith, looking to God to bring the increase. We can have a sense of satisfaction and be encouraged when we do our part of planting and watering the seed.
God is looking for people like you and I who are willing to be divine seed sowers, who intentionally fling seeds into the hearts of people we encounter. How about it? Are you up to the challenge? It really isn’t as hard as you think. Simply step out and fling some seeds. Believe me you’ll have a great time!