the lost, the least, the last

on the bus today... packing bags of groceries on for Making Christmas Dreams Come True Dec 16...our brave staff worked for an hour packing bags and getting them on the bus...300 full bags of groceries for the parents who attend the party. Madly working reg. guest, counting vols, ready the gift wrap room, purchasing the gifts for the moms and dads, bag to put the gifts in, making sure tickets arrive, drafting letters, etc...all in the run up to the 1400 people arriving on Dec 16...someone once asked how do you enlarge your heart for the lost, the least and the participating in active can't really learn to care unless you are there...being among the lost, the least, and the last impacts the heart...if it doesn't it means my heart is becoming hard ... then the answer is prayer... God's love imparted into a human heart reveals my need to love...

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