Steve's take away menu...

Talking about Worldview…To redefine Church / God / Jesus to the unchurched, we have to learn to become fishers of men and serve our way into the heart of our community. . . it's a process...using

Active kindness

How to points?

Steve’s take away menu: the how to…
make the most of every opportunity by:

1. learning to care
we begin to care by praying and asking God for His heart for people...many believers are not taught how to care about outsiders...sadly at times, outsiders are viewed as our enemies rather than those we are called to reach.

2. opening your eyes
noticing the needs of others is the first place to start...seeing a need and meeting it can create dialogue through our active caring...serving, listening, and asking wondering questions.

3. becoming a bringer and an includer

many churches need to shift to inclusive rather than exclusive… check out pixars for the birds available at itunes as an example for being exclusive rather than makes the inclusive point in a fun upbeat way...Billy Graham also pointed out most people would come to a christian happening if they were teacher at U.C. invites his students on field trips...where they go to a church service...explore and talk about how they felt, what they could relate to, what they thought of the message, what they couldn't relate to etc.

4. becoming a friendly opened hearted person
… this is committing personally to active participation in active kindness...having a determination to be friendly and open hearted toward the people we is interesting that next week will be random acts of kindness week in the USA...something about serving others with no strings attached will be embraced that week...the organizers hope people will pay it forward, and that thousands of people will be touched and that kindness will least for a little while

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