the hound of heaven

interesting feedback from my son...we kissed sam's club a few days ago...the staff room was buzzing about who we son said oh that's my dad he is a pastor at a pretty good church...then yesterday 3 people came up to him and said tell your dad made our day...

in a situation where a friend is being pursued by God's love and probably doesn't know it...they just found out their roommates are both vineyard friend is reading cs lewis...and having some thought provoking conversations with another friend of mine...i would think they must be wondering what's going on?

i'm always amazed how much God goes all out to grab our attention...not a happenstance but a planned pursuit of individuals on good ole terra guy called these connections grace links...over a period of time i think everyone could look back and say...yep, He was after me...and is still after me...amazing

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