July Bowen News.

Bowen News

We've had a good summer so far. We visited our son and his wife Vanessa. She has been in the news with Make America Native Again. You may have seen her. 


We kept our grandkids for a week. M began to crawl. I called him Scooter. We then went home to Dayton for two days and headed to Alabama to be with Pattie's family. 

We went to Pensacola for a Liberty Network International leaders conference last week. It is an annual conference for all Liberty Network pastors, some missionaries. We graduated from Liberty Bible College and we were sent ones from the church. It was good seeing so many people we knew from our distant past... reconnecting, talking, and laughing.

The conference was in the building where it all started, which in itself was prophetic. Charles Simpson spoke the first night. He talked about remember to take the bones of heritage into the future.

The bones of Liberty’s 50 year heritage: (My take gleaned over the 3 days. No order of importance, one without the other leads to dry bones.)
  • Prayer / Presence /Worship
  • Relationships / Community
  • Pioneering
  • The Holy Spirit
  • God’s Word / Bible College
  • Community / World Outreach / Missional
We decided we'd be intentionally open to pray for people. We prayed for a lot of people during the week We met the couple we sent out from Inverness, Scotland. They are two of the leaders of Adopt A Child International. What began as a small vision, now is huge. They have been extremely successful raising funds for hundreds, if not thousands of children. They encouraged us, affirmed us, and let us know their prophetic send off has carried them through the years. It was fun seeing and hearing about their fruitfulness. 

Pattie also stepped up and prayed for a Russian couple who have ministry in Siberia. They wept and laughed as she prayed for the couple. I was amazed at her accuracy and flow. A couple of days later. We found out they were at the Turkish airport when it was bombed. Escaping, they prayed for many people leading several to Jesus. Pattie had prayed for their safety. We were stunned. 

We attended Liberty Church on Sunday. They are now in several locations in Pensacola and beyond. They are launching a downtown location this September. You can feel the energy. Their story is amazing.

We also met with the Globe International guys Doug Gehman, and Ohioan, Scott Brown. We are having a conversation about becoming sent ones as a part of Globe. Great guys and gals who have been around the block a few times. Smart. Focused. As a part of Globe we will need to continue to raise our support, take a class, and attend an orientation in September. We were with Globe as missionaries and church planters in Scotland for 18 years. Our conversations have been positive and encouraging. We also, believe we have something to offer the team if we join.

Globe encourages people to have a sending / supporting church. We are grateful for Dayton Vineyard Church for sending and supporting us during this time of transition.

I’ll be back in town early July. Pattie is staying in Bham for a while. We have a few loose ends to keep us busy.

Pattie will have to start her teaching job in August, unless a suddenly happens in the area of support. Our ideal dream would be supported enough for her to travel with me. The last two ventures out, it was obvious I needed her. She has a lot to offer and speaks into what we are doing.

I am heading to see Adam Vaughn at the end July for a few days. E. J. Waltemire is also traveling with me on his first ever plane, and first ever mission venture. He will be filming the Vaughn family.



In August I’ll be heading to England to help train, and join an outreach into the city of Warrington located just below Manchester. Oasis Church, then up to Scotland for a week before heading back.

When we are in the Ohio area we are hoping to help equip and serve.

Thanks for your support and prayer. We don't take it lightly. We are grateful. You are sacrificing to invest into our lives. Much appreciated.
We are using social media, Facebook etc. to let people participate and partner in our adventure. Our web site.is being updated.

We are pressing into, "Experiencing the faith rest life." Heb 4 Passion Translation

Steve and Pattie

If you'd like to support us use Donor Box.

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