Backpacks Going to Schools!

All 400 backpacks left the building in just 2 weekends. They began to return and we are funneling the backpacks to the school systems.

Kettering Schools have many low income families and people just struggling to get by. This year we contacted the school counselor. She in turn contacted all the other elementary school counselors to gather numbers. Today, we sorted and delivered 100 backpacks. It was great to see the Principal energized and smiling as she received the goods.

In our conversation we talked about a teacher appreciation early afternoon. She has given us a date and we will be serving the teachers in mid September. When I mentioned we'd like to serve the teachers to let them know they were appreciated she mentioned, "No one has ever done this for us before." 

To read my a rant... please read this post. Teachers Rule

We will be heading up to Fairborn bringing backpacks and shoes in the next week. It's been a great time of caring for our community!

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