
had a good day yesterday at Fairhavens church...a group of CMA, not country music award, people turning their church outward.

I spoke on creating God space...used pixars for the birds as the intro. a great 3 minute cartoon...I asked "What did you notice?" "How did the small birds react to someone who didn't look like them, act like them or fit the group?" "Which bird was the friendly open hearted bird?" I then added...It was a great way to start a new small group, nudist birds anonymous. The point the small birds were neither friendly nor inclusive. Some churches are the same. Not accepting, closed, not inviting, angry, not friendly and open hearted etc.

I told a couple of stories and defined an evangelist: is a 'friendly open hearted person'. This definition is doable. Every one, with practice, can learn to be friendly, open, warm hearted; be someone who is willing to serve and to care. An evangelist is someone who is willing to help another person take their next step toward Jesus Christ.

It was fun, up and encouraging to me. I ended with a great clip from Cincy Vineyard an interview with Dave Workman with Evan Griffin UC communications professor. The clip brought it all together.

by the way it snowed yesterday.

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