kindness in action

2nd Sat outreach... yesterday was a rain out...however we went to 2 local nursing homes to deliver a personal pack of tissues... What's in a tissue? Most nursing homes use generic low quality tissues. Ever use a piece of wood to blow your nose. That's the feeling. Most people in homes are very appreciative of good quality tissues. We offer the box, place it in the room and have a quiet chat with each person. Some people are touched in a powerful way when we pray. defines Kindness:

Kindness is the act or the state of charitable behaviour to other people. It is considered to be one of the Knightly Virtues, and is a recognized value in many cultures and religions . It is considered to be one of the seven virtues, specifically the one of the Seven Contrary Virtues (direct opposites of the seven deadly sins) that is the direct opposite to envy[1].

According to book two of Aristotle's Rhetoric it is one of the emotions (see list of emotions), which is defined as being "helpfulness towards some one in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped"[2].

Paul defines love as being `patient and kind...` (I Corinthians)

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