i knew you'd come

recently on a first saturday outreach, a team went to the nursing home we visit each month, one of the team members walked into a room and a man said, 'i knew you'd come' ...seems that the day before in desperation he called out to God asking Him to send someone to his bedside...a great conversation followed...after a few minutes talking about his faith, he began to weep...the team member was able to pray for the man and communicate the good news...

another team member went to the nursing home several months ago and was so moved that she and her daughter began to go each week to read to a lady who can't see, speak or move, they have been reading the bible to her for weeks...the non-seeing ladies daughter happened to pop by during the first saturday visit and handed our team member a check made out to the vineyard just to say thanks...

I always wonder about such encounters...is there something that begins to happen when we choose to go and be the good news?... I believe so, there is a promise that if we go, then He will be with us...Him being with us starts an amazing unfolding connection to His purpose and a link toward the people He wants to reach...

I've been thinking about this verse for a few weeks...and praying for the Vineyard using the outline

Philemon 6
I pray that you will be active in sharing your faith,
so that,
you will have a full understanding,
of everything we have in Christ Jesus.

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