
here is a report from Caleb Roe our jedi knight who helps with emerge (our 20's) and with pretty good outreach...

People really care about their dogs.

You know, even when my dog Tucker does something stupid, I still love him. In a way our relationship with our dogs is like our relationship with God... I do something dumb, and He still shows me His mercy and love... pretty ironic. It's amazing how much people love their dogs, and even more amazing how much God loves us.

Did you know there are 68 million owned dogs in the U.S. and people spend $35 billion on their dogs annually?

Saturday morning for 1st Saturday Outreach we went to Delco Park and gave away hundreds of doggy treats to the participants of "Walk for Strays". We gave the treats to the dog owners who in turn gave the treats to their dogs...I guess the owners probably could eat them too... anyway... Had a great time! A church handing out treats to the dogs really spun the people participating in the walk. I think it's huge when a church sends a message that says, "we're not just going to serve you, but we are going to serve your pet." Interesting note the dogs knew we had treats way before the owners knew...scent...and nose...equals...knowledge.

it was a great year we will kick up our involvement by touching the owners with bottles of water...

Man's best friend... Don't you just love em? Doggy Treat?

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