Faith a Paradox J.O. Sanders a thought

Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed John 20:29

Seeing is believing, says Mr. Worldly-Wiseman. Believing is seeing, affirms the man of faith. The bible abounds in such paradox - somethings apparently wrong and contrary to reason, and yet actually true. Our Lord frequently employed this arresting method of conveying spiritual truth. For ecample, he said that the grain of wheat was dead because it had not died, and its only hope of living lay in dying (John 12:24) Paul's writings, too abound in paradox. I am crucified with Christ Nevertheless I live, yet not I (Galatioans 2:20) Similarly, teaching on faith is often enshrined in paradox...

Abrahams's faith was evidenced in his enduring as seeing him who is invisible. But how can one see the invisible? Faith operates in the sphere of 'things not seen' things which cannot be proved mathematically, yet true and real. There is no problem in believing in things which are visible, but faith does not operate in that realm; it is unnecessary. It is the 'evidence of things not seen' that brings the unseen into the realm of personal experience. Faith is being sure without seeing.

Paradoxically, faith sings while still in prison. Its song of praise antedates its release, as in the case of Paul and Silas. Faith glorifies God by singing in hopeless situations. It fights effectively in chains.

Unseen forces surround us, none the less real even though invisible, Elisha's young servant saw the invading army and cried in dismay, 'Alas, my master, what shall we do?' Elisha, veteran of faith, prayed, 'Lord open his eyes and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about.

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