Dog's don't you just love em! man's best friend

after a month learing more of God's mercy in my life i finally spoke to the gathered in Dayton on a Wednesday was a good night...i pretty much stuck to the script told some stories and connected a few passages...Eph 2 Titus 3 and Rom 12 interesting all three passages deal with who we were, then a 'but' which connected grace and mercy given, then something to do...interestingly the thought then shifted to encourage believers to become outward focused...doing good deeds...or serving others as in rom 12 so there is a direct link to who we were, who we are, and what we should be doing...interestingly if we focus on serving doing good according to the grace / mercy we have received we most likely won't have time to be bad...many people focus on cleaning themselves up, inward focus, instead of pressing ahead seeking to love God with all heart soul and strength and to love in action...outward focus...interesting thoughts...

SISCA... heading out to give away doggie biscits at a yearly event in Delco park... i'm having some great cards made and we will be blitzing the should be an interesting time next 1st sat outreach...did anyone count the intersting words

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