mercy me

yesterday i removed all the carpet from the was like recieving a new gift the floors are all hardwood only some small damage in the corners and a few blimishes that to me adds some character...

I felt like that's what Jesus does in our lives from time to time strips back our lives so we can see what's really there...probably more for our benifit...

today we have pipes backed up and rota rooter is on the way...when i used the plunger it reminded me again of the junk in my pipes...and how i need some cleaning up...prayer, looking at my heart, considering mercy, forgiveness, asking God what He wants, and what is not pleasing to to him...

read some sermons finney and blogs yesterday on mercy...

A first step toward understanding the true depth of God's mercy is understanding the depth of our own neediness. We are utterly without hope short of God's merciful activity on our behalf. By recognizing that we come before God bringing nothing but our own sinfulness, just as the publican in the parable brought nothing when he prayed, "God be merciful to me a sinner (Luke 13:18)", that we get some glimpse of the abundant richness of God's mercy.

....hope in the Lord;
For with the Lord there is mercy,
And with Him is abundant redemption.
Psalm 130:7

The Lord takes pleasure in those....who hope in His mercy.
Psalm 147:11

"I will trust in the mercy of God forever and ever." Ps. 52:8.

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