dream postscript

told wife dreams...
wife noticed 1st dream is connected to second dream...
1st dream was about my sense of falling short...
2nd dream was about God's interest in my life and His willingness to reveal Himself to me...

conclusion: wife pretty smart...God very good.

spoke to teens last night...

a stunted start but got there in the end...

used mcmanus idea...
shake, break, illuminate with glow sticks at the end...hear his podcasts on itunes

used ps 139

we read sections together...and connected the dots with following points with stories...

He knows who I am...when we realize this it can shake us up abit...
because he knows who I am he knows where i am...

He made who I am... when God made me he broke the mold...our body is merely a picture frame of the real me...our culture puts more value on the frame less value on the picture of the real me inside the frame...

He loves who I am...amazing...because he knows me...and because he made me...he loves who I am...when I realize this i begin to shine...my friends, family, and connections begin to notice a change in my life...illuminate

we turned off the lights and we said shake, brake, illuminate... everyone shook their light stick, everyone broke their light stick, and ba boom everyone began to illuminate...we then watched never been unloved by m.w.smith found on sermonspice...

while this was happening our twenties group was helping at a bbq on U.D. campus it was off the chart...over 500 people showed up...campus crusade, navigators, and athletes in action connected with the students...my friend colby got the thing going...good guy, caleb another good guy cooked, encouraged and led our team...good night all in all


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