walking it out

great day today...we touched lot's of people to day on 1st saturday outreach...a small group came together...also a church planter showed up and a sprinkling of families...great to see the teens involved...the we pay for your car wash at a coin carwash went well...we also wipe down the cars with terry cloth towels...good time at the nursing home...i find this outreach to be extremely hard for my brain...a one room trailer in fl looks better than a nursing home...saying that the residents love it when we come...today we gave away tissues the good ones not the generic rough ones...got to pray for many people...we also went to the strip malls up by wright state lots of good connections...

saw sjogren yesterday...he is sharp...clear thinking...and looks good...enjoyed the lunch and the talk...

i'm pretty well convinced that the way of the cross has a message of humility for all who lead ... Inclusive language...teaming with others regardless of position or who gets the credit etc...bring humility...i often feel my pride, ego rise up and when it does it reminds me i'm not where i need to be...a life long walking it out...

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