
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders: make the most of every opportunity. Colossians 4:5

recgonize both insiders and outsiders are up tight about their view of evangelism...

If we are both uptight yet we still want to be a positive reflection within our sphere of influence...

What can we choose to do?
1. Bury our heads in the sand? Not an option... i don't think this is an option if we truly hold a biblical worldview..there is an urgency from the heart of God to touch his world...

2. Respond to The Call

this is the main reason i attempt to reach the people within my sphere of influence..believers are called to be outward focused...Andy Stanley has a great new series out called go fish..Based on the call come follow me and I'll make you fishers of men..If we are followers..Jesus wants to make us fishers...So responding to the call is the central point...Other thoughts..Disciples make disciples..Fruitfulness, fruit bears fruit..Sow and reap..Etc

3. Check our motivation?(or what should be our motivation?)

He wants to make us fisher of men we should be motivated by:

o Obedience to God's word (great commission etc) should motivate us...the above thought

o Understanding the compassionate nature of God
... He has always been an all peoples God, compassionate, caring, pursuing us, and full of grace...His nature has not been packaged very well...Bono at the national prayer breakfast made this clear See Luke 6 for three pictures of the father's heart...Lost by the way means to be away from God's presence...He seeks those who are lost, away from His presence, in order to bring them near to be found.

o Faith Hope and Love expressed by our actions.it is more of show and tell than tell and tell... these three remain after everything else fails Faith, hope, love is seen in our actions not just spoken...Actions often speak louder than words John Wesleys Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. sums it up. True believes are motivated by these three action words.

a side thoughtA..a good definition of an evangelist...
An Evangelist is a friendly open-hearted person...

o Time waits for no one.Time is a real motivator...being on the downhill side of life...i'm aware more than ever time is running out for many people...this reality moves my heart to take risks, throw caution to the wind and be all i can be

for a great 60 second Video go to http://www.sermonspice.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=520

more thoughts later.

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