Sushi or not to Sushi that is the question.
On my way home from a meeting, I decided to pop into Hancock's Fabrics to pick up some outdoor fabric for my 96 VW Cabrio ripped top. I shopped, paid, and then decided to go next door to get Sushi. I paused, I had another thought, go directly to my car.
So, I headed out of the store and didn't turn right to go to buy Sushi but went straight to my car. I bumped into someone who used to work for me as my assistant. She had parked beside my car. I hadn't seen her for a couple of years. It was a more than great talk. At the end I prayed for her and her soon to be born child. She had had issues with her last pregnancy and almost died. It was an amazing God encounter, I said, You know this was a set up. She laughed and agreed. After saying our goodbyes I headed next door and purchased Sushi. If I had turned left, and went to purchase the Sushi, I would have missed seeing her.
Banking at the Bank.
One day, three or so weeks ago, I decided to go to deposit some money into the Bank. I had all my checks in a book I was reading. I grabbed the checks out of the book and went into the bank and asked the teller to check the deposit. He checked, and I was short. I was stumped. I had taken all the checks out of the book. I walked back to my car and opened the book there in the book were the two checks.
Confused and pondering, I walked back into the bank and then noticed a man that I knew. He had had heart bypass and was leaning into exercise to help repair his heart. I often saw him at the gym. I had an impression that he needed to lean into God's heart for his life. I deposited my funds walked over to him and asked how things were going. He replied he was seeking to connect to God and to deepen his relationship. He knew about God but wasn't where he wanted to be. So he decided to head to Honduras with a team of men to help build a home for a widow. He hoped the adventure would kick-start his God connection. I encouraged him and then asked if I could pray for him. I prayed for healing and encouragement. At the end if the prayer I stated, You do know this was a set up don't you? He smiled and said, Yes I know. (He is on the trip this week.)
I'm still pondering how those checks returned to my book. Did I miss them or did they return? Humm?
The title, Joy Unspeakable Power and Renewal of The Holy Spirit.
Brews, Blues and BBQ

Pattie and I headed out to the Fraze for Blues-fest. Some great bands were playing and we were enjoying the time together. When we arrived we decided to purchase some BBQ. We were checking every vendor and finally came to the last booth.
As I'm walking up, I noticed the lady serving and had an impression I was to encourage her. Specifically, her future was going to be greater than her past. As I was pondering how to navigate and communicate the impression I noticed she had a few tattoos, then noticed she was wearing an arrest monitor on her ankle. The impression now made sense.
I payed for my food and then stated, You might think this strange but sometimes Jesus gives me encouraging words for people. I have an encouraging word for you. Your future is going to be greater than your past.
I gentle held her arm and continued speaking about her life and into her destiny. I told her how Jesus could change her life and wash away her past. Then invited the Holy Spirit to come and touch her life. She began to cry and said, You are making me cry. I replied, Jesus is here.
I then told her how I was a heavy drug user 35 years ago and how Jesus had changed my life. She paused and stated. You have no idea how I needed this today. Thank you.
We grabbed our BBQ moved past the line behind us, and walked to a patio to eat.
Pattie asked me, How did you know? What is the process? It's not rocket science. But it does take practice and to be willing to experiment.
1. I practice noticing, and attempt to live life from a being aware perspective. I seek to notice what's going on around me, and seek to be aware of what's happening from Heaven to earth.
I'm earth, where His will wants to be done. Often when speaking to groups of believers, I ask them to place their hand on their heart and to pray... Your kingdom come, Your will be done, as in heaven in this earth. We are the earth where the Kingdom comes. From heaven to us... earth.
2. I attempt to listen to God prompts, those small impressions, or thoughts that may seem to be like my own, but are not. Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice. Sometimes it is His voice. I experiment, and practice listening. I'm learning which is His, and which is mine.
3. I seek to take Risks. Faith is spelled RISK. Taking the risk is the hardest step. I seek to remind myself where I need to be in a place in my spiritual growth where helping someone has to override my being uncomfortable. It's all about their need for God's love, verses my need to stay in my comfort zone. More often than not the person is encouraged, healed and nudged closer to Jesus. Sometimes they are ushered into the Kingdom.
It's all about their need for God's love, verses my need to stay in my comfort zone.
4. I ask God to direct my steps. Psalms 139 is an amazing Psalm. He knows every thing about me, my thoughts, my words, when I rise up, when I go to work, when I come home. In spite of what He knows about me, He chooses to lay His hand on my head and bless me. It's a knowledge and experience beyond the beyond.
So where I go He goes.
In Him we live and move and have our being. Paul the Apostle
I like what Bill Hybles says, He tells Jesus he is open for business every morning. More often than not he hears God's whisper and then has the guts to take the risk to respond.
Three Great Books to help you make a difference in your world.
The power of a whisper Bill Hybles
God space Doug Pollock
Do what Jesus Did Robbie Dawkins