This past week we ventured out to our 1st Saturday outreach to share needed groceries and encouragement + prayer. It never ceases to amaze me how often we are at the right place and at the right time. Before we left my friend Gene instructed us to pray with out eyes open, to be open to body language and to see spiritually what is going on with the people we encourage and pray for.
During the outreach one guy helped a lady with her groceries and walked her to her location. When they arrived he simply asked, "What can I pray with you about today?" She replied, "I had a dream. My father was a pastor, he had passed away years ago. In my dream he visited me. He stood silently looking at me. In the dream I asked him what he wanted. There was no reply he just kept looking at me. I woke up.
She asked, "What do you think the dream meant?" He replied with a simple question, "What do you think your dad was wanting to say to you?" She replied, "I think he was asking me to get right with Jesus. Can you help me?"
What a dream, and what a question! God was at work. My friend encouraged her, prayed with her and introduced her to Jesus. She really wanted to be forgiven and to begin again. He later told me it was the shortest discipleship course he ever explained. He was elated as was the lady.
I find it interesting that God was at work long before we arrived. This experience reveals God's passion and love for people. It also reveals how God never forgets our prayers for our family and our friends. Years had passed, the father had died, but the Holy Spirit was beckoning this daughter to Himself. He used a dream that opened her heart to the good news.
Later we both agreed how important it is to be out there, among people, seeing and sensing what God is doing in the lives of the people we met. We both wondered, "What would have happened if we hadn't chosen to be there that day showing God's love in practical ways, and seeking to give prayer and spiritual encouragement?"
Romans 10:14
New Living Translation (NLT)
14 But
how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And
how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how
can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
Do you ever wonder about how your influence can impact a life? Do you ever think about missed conversations and opportunities? I do. It's what keeps me up at night and what propels me to be open for business every day. The reality, you just never know who you'll bump into, perhaps someone who has just had a dream who needs to see and hear the good news in action.
Good deeds, create good, will that opens hearts, to the good news.
Rusaw and Swanson Externally Focused Church
Small things done with great love, will change the world.
Sjogren Conspiracy of Kindness