thinking about the i's of Leadership

1. identity: secure in whose you are, and who you are. leading from confidence

2. inspiration: vision communicated clearly brings inspiration. destiny, purpose, inviting people to change their world... together. this is who we are and what we are doing and going to do.

3. inclusive: the importance of using inclusive language, removing I, me, mine. rephrasing our mission to include, we, our, us, 'together we can'

4. influence: it's our only leverage,  it's our only real leadership tool, every leader has a measure of influence. smart leaders influence the influence-rs.

5. information: clear communication brings security, what, how, where, when, and why brings the needed clarity to followers.

6. integrity:
who we really are, is who we really are...the messenger is the message. Integrity begins with our heart and flows out into our actions.