The Black Man
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...I am a coach...I help others play in the e:game...
with the e:training coming up makes me think about what do I actually do...mainly, I'm an encourager, storyteller and a person who helps others believe they can be a significant influence in the life of another person.
I create venues of service, on-ramps into our community where we as a church can go beyond ourselves to serve, to love and to care.
What we do really does make a difference.
Sometimes what we do makes a huge impact upon a life. Most of the time, it's the small things, the hidden things, the positive attitudes, or a conversation cloaked within a personal story that makes a difference
Last week I met a great guy during my Thursday @ vineyard on main...I shook his hand as I sat down, we began to talk about his life. He is a plumber, laying low during the winter in Ohio, 'it's cold in Ohio.' on un-employment who popped into the center for breakfast.
He came to the center after hearing 'the word on the street'... 'these people really care, they are authentic'. We talked about his life where he's been, what's happening now and landed on the topic of motivation...What motivates people to better themselves? and What motivates people to stay in a rut and drift through life?...It was a great learning experience...
One comment threw me...he shared something I took for granted...the impact of a handshake...pause...'You don't know what it means to me for someone like you to shake my hand and listen to my story. It means much more to me than this breakfast.'
My goal, is to live an authentic caring life, in such a way, that my life in some small way may reveal the love of Jesus. I hope that my life... and what I do...may create an environment/atmosphere where faith can begin to dwell... that motivates others to reach out.